I had one of the most splendid days last Thursday. Just one of those days that you say to yourself, "This is what life is for." I could just feel God's presence everywhere.

First, I got to spend the afternoon with my dear friend Nicole. I work with this beauty and have gotten to know her story and heart. She is so lovely inside and out. Full of energy, curiosity, and a wild spirit searching for a deeper meaning in life. Soulmate would be a good name for her because we are so alike in very strange, but good ways. W
e spent the day riding bikes, taking fun pictures, browsing at target, getting our tan on, and talking about life.
I'm so very blessed for you pretty girl.

My favorite part of the day happened to be a night. She had invited me to this worship thing that was taking place downtown. It was at this house where 4 young girls live in community with each other...in the ghetto. People our age don't do this type of thing. Purposely live in the dangerous part of town? Man, I DIG THAT. Only You, God, would place like-minded people in my life like this. One thing that really stuck out to me was walking around the torn down neighborhood with Nicole. Each of the houses were beat up and trashed, but yet so beautiful in it's own unique way. Kinda like people. We have so much baggage, but each so delicate and beautiful. Unlike here is Clovis, where all the house are so neatly placed and identical. Families were outside on the porch enjoying the night. Kids were playing with friends and completely content with almost nothing. Unlike kids in Clovis who have game boys, phones, ipods...not much need for friends or people for that matter. I got a sense that the community in that torn down neighborhood was closer as a family, than say Clovis. Hiding in our houses, unaware of who our neighbors even are. I want to live in a place like neighborhood in downtown Fresno. I want to be a light for You in places that seem disgusting.
Anyways, there was about 10 of us who spent the night worshiping our almighty God. Melting on the words of these songs that are so poetically written. God, I am so thankful for the people you have placed in my life this last month. My beloved Savior, thank you for answered prayers. Thank you for not forgetting about me.